All-Online Lactation Exam Study Package (on


Buy this money-saving, all-online package and save more than $64 off the regular prices.

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Buy this money-saving, all-online package and save more than $64 off the regular prices.


Our electronic practice exams are designed to help you prepare for the IBCLC exam in these ways:

  • Practice time management skills
  • Expose yourself to a comprehensive 4-hour, multiple-choice, lactation exam with images
  • Determine what you know and what you need to learn
  • Practice using test-taking strategies to deal with images, distractors, and qualifiers

For more detailed information on how to use our practice exams, click here to read our How to Use Our Practice Exams information sheet.

Use your practice exams early and often to get the most out of them and to give you the best preparation for the IBLCE Exam.

Expiration Date:
This program expires 12 months from the date of purchase. Program expiration dates can be extended at the discretion of Breastfeeding Outlook.

Get our FREE Practice Exam Demo to see how it works! Just add it to your cart and check out.

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