Essential oils are all-natural, and the savvy breastfeeding mother has already learned which ones are or aren’t safe, or how the manner in which they are used affects their safety. But which ones work for postpartum or breastfeeding issues? They are expensive, but are they effective? If so, for what? Find out about essential oils that may help to alleviate such issues as candidiasis, postpartum cramps, emotional issues, and sleep. When applied to the skin, should they be used near the nipple? What about shelf life? How can a mother find a credible advisor, a credible brand, the best way to dilute the essential oil? The goal of this session is to provide anticipatory guidance for breastfeeding mothers who wish to use essential oils for common breastfeeding and/or postpartum problems.
This Program is Best For:
- Lactation consultants
- Nurses
- Dietitians
- Doulas
- Midwives
- Anyone in a position to promote breastfeeding with pregnant women
Helpful For:
- Certified Clinical Lactationists™
- Lactation Counselors
- Childbirth Educators
Love to learn at your own pace? This learning program is for you! You can take it along with you on your MP3 player, and re-play as many times as you wish!
- Downloadable MP3 audio file
- Links to studies, articles & videos
- Electronic multiple-choice post-test
- Downloadable and Printable Certificate of Completion in PDF format
Time Allotment:
The number of hours needed to complete this program is approximately 3.
- Essential Oils & Breastfeeding: Tips for Effective Use
Expiration Date:
This program expires 6 months from the date of purchase. Program expiration dates can be extended at the discretion of Breastfeeding Outlook.
Continuing Education Credits Included:
- 3.0 L-CERPs
- 3.0 contact hours
CERPs for topic areas of the IBCLC Detailed Content Outline:
- 3.0 in Pharmacology & Toxicology