WHO Code in Plain English: A Course for Lactation Consultants on the WHO’s International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes


As breastfeeding advocates, we have a strong responsibility to promote breastfeeding as the ideal way to feed a baby, even in extreme circumstances such as natural disasters or other emergencies. After attending this program, you’ll be able to recognize the impact of disasters on infant feeding, how to offer guidance to parents and community planners before, during and after the disaster, and the potential risks of free formula distribution. You’ll learn practical tips to help support other professionals and parents through evidence-based practices, policies and programs.

This course provides two hours of education on the WHO’s International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes, as required by IBLCE for first-time certificants and recertifiers.

Note: If you purchased a 75-CERP Bundle or a 95-hour or 45-hour lactation education course from us in 2024, please see our recent email regarding this new requirements and how to access it at no additional  or reduced cost.

Expiration Date: This program expires 6 months from the date of purchase. Program expiration dates can be extended at the discretion of Marie Biancuzzo.com or Breastfeeding Outlook.

Continuing Education Credits Included:

  • 2.2 E-CERPs
  • 2.2 contact hours

CERPs for topic areas of the IBCLC Detailed Content Outline:

  • 2.2 in Clinical Skills

Goals & Objectives

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